Willow City Loop - a photographer's paradise
Shhhhh, this may be Texas' best kept little secret (other than the "Chicken Ranch" back in the fifties). Who ever heard of a photographer's paradise named Willow City Loop?
When we drove up to this amazing scene in April 2015, I was awestruck. As a photographer, with a scene like this, how could I miss? I had heard stories for years about Willow City Loop. Just a few miles outside Fredericksburg, TX, this several miles long dirt road is packed with photo ops galore.
Actually, Willow City Loop is a private road, and I am guessing the well-heeled ranchers and landowners who live there would just as soon this road was not so popular. I have gone back there several times since this 2015 trip and much has changed, including this iconic scene at the top of my blog post; it is no longer there. Progress, it seems, brings with it new homes and inevitable changes to the landscape. Still, it is worth a daytrip.